Xiao Qiang

Xiao Qiang (萧 强chinese /萧 强, Pinyin Xiao Qiang, * about 1962) is a Chinese human rights activists. He is the director of the China Internet Project at the Graduate School of Journalism of the University of California, Berkeley.

Xiao studied physics at the China University of Science and Technology and then took from 1986 to 1989 at the Astrophysics Ph.D. program of the University of Notre Dame in part. After the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989, he was human. From 1991 to 2002 he was Managing Director of the NGO Human Rights in China, and he is vice chairman of the international organization network World Movement for Democracy. He is also a weekly commentator for Radio Free Asia.

Xiao currently teaches on China and Human Rights, explores the confluence of information and communication technologies and China's social and political change, and he leads the China Digital Times news portal as part of the China Internet Project.

Xiao received a MacArthur Fellowship 2001, and in spring 2002 he was a visiting fellow at the Santa Fe Institute.
