
Xinyang (Chinese信阳 市, pinyin Xinyang Shì ) is a district -free city in Henan province, People's Republic of China. Your administrative area has an area of ​​18,819 square kilometers. In the census in 2000 the population was still 6527368. Today, she is likely to be close to 7.9 million.


The city lies in the southeast Xinyang of Henan Province on Huai near the Dabie and Tongbai Mountains. Your administration area bordered to the north by the Zhumadian City, on the northwest by the Nanyang City, to the east Anhui Province and on the south by the province of Hubei.

Administrative Divisions

At county level, Xinyang is made up of two districts and eight counties. These are:

  • Municipality Shihe (浉 河 区), 1783 km ², 610,000 inhabitants;
  • Municipality Pingqiao (平桥 区), 1889 km ², 770,000 inhabitants;
  • Circle Xi (息 县), 1836 km ², 920,000 inhabitants
  • Circle Huaibin (淮滨 县), 1192 km ², 660,000 inhabitants
  • Circle Huangchuan (潢川 县), 1638 km ², 790,000 inhabitants;
  • Circle Guangshan (光山 县), 1829 km ², 790,000 inhabitants;
  • Gushi county (固始 县), 2916 km ², 1.56 million inhabitants
  • Circle Shangcheng (商城 县), 2117 km ², 710,000 inhabitants
  • Circle Luoshan (罗山县), 2065 km ², 720,000 inhabitants
  • Circle Xin (新 县), 1554 km ², 340,000 inhabitants.

In the borough Pingqiao a new government and business district is currently under construction. The gigantic construction project is entitled " New City District Yangshan " (羊山 新区). This is normal - at least so far - not a new municipality in the administrative sense.

Culture and sights

In the borough Pingqiao which is important for the archeology community is Changtaiguan (长 台 关 乡). The site was named after the locality Changtaiguan Chumu (Chinese长 台 关 楚 简/长 台 关 楚 简Chu Tombs of Changtaiguan ') named. In 2006 Changtaiguan in community Changtai (长 台 乡) has been renamed.

The 1957 excavated until 1958 Chu- grave contained, among other things, bamboo texts, lacquerware and musical instruments.

Were bared up two graves from the time of the Warring States Period. In particular, the findings with Confucian texts from grave No. 1 have aroused great interest.

It was discovered over 100 described bamboo slips. One of the texts was a " grave inventory " ( qiǎncè遣 策), followed by the names of the grave goods are recorded.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Han Suyin, doctor and writer.