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Yarala is a bandicoot genus of the early Miocene.

Origin of the name

The genus name is derived from the word Yalara yalara the Aboriginalsprache Waanyi and means " tree root " because Yarala is considered relatively original bandicoot.


Yalara is smaller than all extant bandicoots, more the size of a Breitfuß bag mouse. Another difference from other bandicoots lies a compound of Postparacrista and Prämetacrista of the upper molars. Yalara is considered insectivor or carnivorous, and it is thought that it competed with bag martens same era for food.


It is known to only one type. Yarala burchfieldi Muirhead, Filian, 1995, lived in the early Miocene and part of the Upper -side local fauna of Riversleigh on.
