Yellow tang

Yellow Segelflossendoktor (Zebrasoma flavescens)

The Yellow Segelflossendoktor (Zebrasoma flavescens ), also called Yellow sail Surgeonfish, is a species of the family living in the sea water surgeonfish.


The Yellow Segelflossendoktor lives mainly north of the Equator and is found to Hawaii and Australienzu in the western Pacific to the lagoons and coral reefs from the Marshall Islands, southern Japan.


As with all Doctor fish species the body is flattened laterally and the Yellow Segelflossendoktor. He also has a high dorsal and anal fin, which can be placed in the posturing. The body is colored in yellow and reaches a length of up to 20 cm. On the tail are typical of surgeonfish scalpels or blades Horn.


The diurnal fish eats mainly algae nursery. As a juvenile he lives alone among the branches of finger coral. Adult fish form loose gangs, which can be seen feeding in the surf area. A special feature of this fish can be the mood by changing the color of eyes watching. If he behaves peacefully, then the eye is brightly colored. In contrast, aggressive moods, the eye has a much darker color, which is also clearly stands out against the body color.

Aquarium maintenance

Tangs are generally very delicate Pfleglinge in aquariums. However, the yellow Segelflossendoktor applies in this family as one of the simplest captives that have a high survival in the aquarium. However, all fish offered in trade are wild-caught, because the breed is not possible.
