Yellowmargin triggerfish

Gelbsaum triggerfish ( Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus )

The Gelbsaum triggerfish ( Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus ) is a species of the family triggerfish ( Balistidae ).

He lives in the Red Sea and the Indo-Pacific from the coast of East Africa to South Africa, Japan, Samoa and Tuamotu at depths of 1 to 50 meters. He prefers lagoons, Riffkanäle and Riffterassen.

Gelbsaum - trigger fish live as a couple or as a loner. They spawn throughout the year, but usually in November / December and March-May They build large cavities with diameters of up to two meters and 70 centimeters deep in the soil of sand or crushed coral. A few days before the full - or half- moon, the female lays about 400,000 to 500,000 eggs. The fist big Eiballen is weighted by the parents with coral branches. The females guard the nest until hatching of fish larvae. The Gelbsaum triggerfish is 60 inches long.

The fish eat the tips Branched stony corals, they can bite with their strong teeth, mollusks, crustaceans, foraminifera, tunicates and sea urchins.
