
40.61722222222247.15Koordinaten: 40 ° 37 'N, 47 ° 9' O

Yevlax (also Yevlakh, Avlakh and Jewlach ) is a city in Azerbaijan. The city has county status and is itself the district ( rayon) Yevlax surrounded. In the city near the river Kura in 2008 there were over 56,700 inhabitants.


The city is a major hub of the Azerbaijan Railway. In Yevlax there are tobacco and silk Ever the end of work operations and a large flour mill. In addition, there is an airport which is not used much.


Yevlax has a theater and a place more recently newly built mosque.


  • Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky ( 1882-1937 ), philosopher of religion, theologian, mathematician and art historian
  • Arngolt Bekker (* 1935), German - Russian entrepreneurs


Rayon: Absheron | Ağcabədi | Agdam | Ağdaş | Ağstafa | Ağsu | Astara | Balakən | Bərdə | Beyləqan | Biləsuvar | Cəbrayıl | Cəlilabad | Daşkəsən | Fizuli | Gədəbəy | Goranboy | Göyçay | Goygol | Hacıqabul | İmişli | İsmayıllı | Kəlbəcər | Kürdəmir | Laçin | Lənkəran | Lerik | Masallı | Neftçala | Oğuz | Qax | Qazax | Qəbələ | Qobustan | Quba | Qubadli | Qusar | Saatli | Sabirabad | Sabran | Salyan | Şamaxı | Samux | Şəki | Şəmkir | Siyəzən | Shusha | Tərtər | Tovuz | Ucar | Xaçmaz | xizi | Xocalı | Xocavənd | Yardimli | Yevlax | Zaqatala | Zəngilan | Zərdab

Cities: Baki | ganja | Lənkəran | Mingəçevir | naftalan | Şəki | Şirvan | Sumqayıt | Shusha | Xankəndi | Yevlax

Autonomous Republic of Nakhichevan ( Naxçıvan )

Rayon of the Autonomous Republic: Babək | Julfa | Kəngərli | Ordubad | Sədərək | Şahbuz | Şərur

City: Naxçıvan

  • Location in Azerbaijan
  • County (Azerbaijan )