
Ymir ( Old Norse Ýmir, Twin, hermaphrodite ') is a giant in Norse mythology, who is the first living beings. His name is considered very old and is linguistically related to the ancient Indian Yama and the Old Persian Yima. Another giant of the Nordic prehistory called Aurgelmir (or Urgelmer or Örgelmir ) is often equated with Ymir.

Ymir was a bisexual primeval giant. He arose from the mixing of glacial ice of Niflheim with the fire of Muspellsheim and fed on the milk of the primeval cow Audhumbla. When he had drunk the milk of primeval cow, he fell asleep. From his sweat under his left arm he outgrew son and daughter, both without a name. With his feet, he produced a six -headed son, you equated with the giant Thrudgelmir.

The first gods, Odin, Ve and Vili, killed Ymir and built from its body parts the world: from his flesh was the earth, from the blood the sea, bone from its cliffs and mountains, from his hair the trees of his eyebrows Midgard, of his skull the sky and from his brain the clouds. In a similar cosmogonic myth came from the Indian prehistoric man Purusha the world out.

In Ymir's blood drowned all the prehistoric giants. Only Bergelmir the son Thrudgelmirs, escaped with his wife on a boat -like support. He is regarded as the progenitor of the giant race of the Rime Giants.
