Yoshinori Suematsu

Yoshinori Suematsu (Japanese末 松 义 规, Suematsu Yoshinori; born December 6, 1956 in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture) is a Japanese politician of the Democratic Party (Kan - group), and was from 1996 to 2012 deputy in Shūgiin, the lower house of the national parliament. From 2010 to 2012, he was State Secretary and Advisor to the Prime Minister for the cabinets Kan and Noda.

Suematsu was after completing his studies at the business school of Hitotsubashi University in 1980 an official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1986, he completed his graduate studies at Princeton University. In 1994, he left the ministry and ran as an independent candidate in the mayoral election in the city in the west of Chofu Tokyo Prefecture, but was defeated incumbent Katsuyuki Yoshio. When Shūgiin - election in 1996, the first under the new electoral law, he entered 19 in the west of Tokyo Prefecture in political home Naoto Kan for the newly founded Democratic Party to the new single constituency Tokyo and won against Koichiro Watanabe ( NFP today DPJ, Ozawa group) and four other candidates. The constituency he could win three times since then, only when LDP landslide victory in 2005 he lost to Yohei Matsumoto (LDP, Ibuki faction ), but was re-elected on the proportional representation block Tokyo.

As early as the late 1990s, took over Suematsu deputy positions in the party executive committees, 2006 Suematsu was in Ichirō Ozawa's second shadow cabinet "next Environment Minister ". From 2002 he was also Secretary General of the Prefecture Tokyo Association of the Democratic Party. In September 2010, Naoto Kan called him in a cabinet reshuffle as Fukudaijin the Cabinet Office. In 2011 he was Kan's successor, Yoshihiko Noda, first advisor to the Prime Minister, Secretary of State again in 2012.

In 2012 Shūgiin choice Suematsu lost his constituency again Yohei Matsumoto and missed, given the overall poor performance of the party and re-election in the block Tokyo, won with its relatively narrow constituency defeat ( sekihairitsu 80.3 %) but the fourth list position and is the first potential substitutes the Demkokraten in block Tokyo.
