
Yuanjiang stands for:

  • Yuanjiang ( Yiyang )沅江 市( Pīnyīn Yuánjiāng Shì ), county-level city, part of the prefecture-level city of Yiyang of Hunan province
  • Yuanjiang ( Yuxi )元 江 哈尼族 彝族 傣族 自治县( Pīnyīn Yuanjiang Hanizu Yizu Daizu Zizhixian ) Autonomous County, which is part of the prefecture-level city of Yuxi Yunnan Province

Yuanjiang is the wrong transcription of the following rivers:

  • Red River元 江( Pīnyīn Yuanjiang ), Chinese name of the river in China and Vietnam
  • Yuan Jiang ( Yangtze River )沅江( Pīnyīn Yuanjiang ) River in Guizhou and Hunan
  • Disambiguation