
Zanzan is a former administrative region of the Ivory Coast capital Bondoukou.


One estimate from 2009, according to 973 235 inhabitants has Zanzan and thus in an area of 38,000 km ², a population density of 25 inhabitants per km ². At the last census in the year 1998 701.005 inhabitants were counted.


Zanzan located in the northeast of the Ivory Coast, bordered to the south by Moyen- Comoé, on the southwest by N'zi - Comoé and to the west by Vallée du Bandama and Savanes. The region is divided into the départements Bondoukou, Bouna and Tanda.


Agnéby | Bafing | Bas -Sassandra | Denguelé | Dix- Huit Montagnes | Fromager | Skin Sassandra | Lacs | Lagunes | Marahoué | Moyen- Cavally | Moyen- Comoé | N'zi - Comoé | Savanes | Sud- Bandama | Sud- Comoé | Vallée du Bandama | Worodougou | Zanzan

  • Region in the Ivory Coast
  • Zanzan