
Zichyujfalu is a 10 km from the lake Velencei lying village, which belongs to the Fejér county in Hungary.


Neighboring communities


Documented it was first mentioned in 1239 as Villa Nova ( Nova ), it was among the lands of the Vérteser Csákok. In 1447 it was in the noble intent as Wyfalw ( Újfalu - Neudorf ) mentioned.

Already during the Turkish rule, the Zichy family appeared as a landowner in Újfalu ( Neudorf ).

After the Turkish occupation it was leased for a time of Seregélyeser serfs. 1784 was the owner of the wasteland Count Ferenc Zichy, his son János Zichy built in Neudorf, a castle and created a wildlife park in 1962.

The distinctive prefix " Zichy " refers to the former estate owners, the family members of Count Zichy. In the village, the former hunting castle of the count's family can be found, in the present mayor has his seat, so the building can be viewed from the outside. The belonging to the castle park and forest park provide an opportunity for active recreation.
