Zoran Mušič

Zoran Mušič ( born February 12, 1909 in Bukovica in Gorizia in the County of Gorizia, Austria - Hungary, now Slovenia, † May 25, 2005 in Venice ) was a Yugoslav- Italian painter and printmaker.

Life and work

Mušič studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. From March 1935 to June 1935 he lived in Spain and moved to a stay in Dalmatia to Venice. In 1944 he was in the Dachau concentration camp, where about two hundred drawings musics emerged abducted. From the drawings were preserved after the war, thirty-five, which formed the basis for the 1970 Nous ne sommes les created work derniers.

In 1945 he returned to Venice and took in 1948 at the first Biennale in Venice after the war, in part, followed by the Biennales of 1950, 1954, 1956, 1982 and 1985.

Zoran Mušič took part in documenta I ( 1955), Documenta II (1959) and Documenta VI (1977 ) in Kassel. In 2005, his drawings, which he made during captivity in the Dachau concentration camp from 1944 to 1945, issued in Dachau and Koper.
