
Żubrówka? / I ( [ ʐubrufka ], also Subrowka ) is a genus of vodka and also brand name of a vodka company Polmos Białystok. In Germany, the vodka is sold as Grasovka.

The name vodka is derived from the Slavic word for bison, Polish Żubr, Russian Зубр from.

The vodka is made from rye and the Fragrant sweetgrass ( Hierochloe odorata ) flavored whose coumarin gives it its typical woodruff flavor. Frequently in the bottles of vodka a blade of grass is placed. This happens but for purely decorative purposes. A change of taste by the attached blade is not achieved and it is not intended. Żubrówka typically has an alcohol content of 40 percent by volume and a sugar content of 5 to 6 grams per liter.

William Somerset Maugham wrote about it in his novel The Razor's Edge, that " the vodka tasted like fresh hay, like spring flowers, of thyme and lavender, unusually fine and soft. If you drink this vodka, so comes a feeling of bliss, such as when listening to music in the moon light [ ... ] "


The vodka is produced and sold under different names. In addition to the German brand Grasovka and the Polish Żubrówka these include Grass Vodka Bison Grass Vodka, Zubrivka / Зубрівка (Ukraine ), Zubrovka, Stumbrine (Lithuania ), Herbiska and bison.


The vodka is drunk pure, but also often mixed with apple juice. This drink has different names in Poland:

  • Jabłecznik and szarlotka also the name given to certain apple pie
  • Tatanka in the language of the Sioux word for buffalo and
  • Marcepanik of marcepan for marzipan.