1117 Verona earthquake

The earthquake struck northern Italy from Verona in 1117 on the evening of January 3, 1117th The epicenter of the earthquake was probably north of Verona, where the greatest damage were reported. The intensity adopted on the basis of the damage of the earthquake is classified differently, there are values ​​of stage VII, IX to XI specify the Mercalliskala. The magnitude is estimated to be 7.0 MW.


The outer wall of the Arena of Verona collapsed partially, the rest left standing was further destroyed in an earthquake in 1183. Many churches, monasteries and monuments were destroyed or seriously damaged so that a large part of the early medieval architecture Verona disappeared. The destruction created the opportunity for a comprehensive Romanesque rebuilding.

Outside of Verona were according to contemporary reports an area of ​​Cividale to Pavia, south to Pisa and northward into Switzerland affected. Called to be especially Milan, Bergamo, Brescia, Venice, Treviso, Modena, Parma, and Cremona Fénis. According to other sources of news came from the earthquake from an area between Montecassino and Reims, other sources mention Liege and Bohemia as endpoints. The event will be conducted in the national earthquake catalogs of at least five countries (Italy, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain). In Germany damage to the Michael Church in Bamberg, the Abbey Brauweiler and buildings in Konstanz and Meersburg were also attributed to this earthquake. Maybe the earthquake may have played a role in the decline later abandoned local Sülchen

The context of all this year attributed to damage reports with the Italian earthquake of 3 January is doubted today. According to the results of a comparative study of the majority originating from the monastery annals sources it was in the earthquake on January 3, at least three different events: the first earthquake (intensity VII- VIII MCS, MW 6.4 ) occurred in southern Germany and found about to twelve hours Veronese earthquake instead. A third event (intensity VII- VIII MCS) to have taken place in the north-western Tuscany. Other Veronese earthquake attributed to damage not likely to be related with this, but go back to local events.
