14 (number)

Fourteen (14) is a natural number between thirteen and fifteen. She's just.


The prefixes for the 14 in foreign words are tetra deca (derived from the Greek ), and the Latin quattuordecim. Examples: the chemical compounds Tetradekasilan and tetradecane as well as the number word Quattuordezillion.

History and Society

Among supporters of the right-wing white- power movement, the number is 14 for the Fourteen Words ". We must secure the existence of our race and a future for White children" ( in German: We must secure for our white children the life of our race and the future. )

Culture, literature, music, and spiritual life

The composer Johann Sebastian Bach, the commonly used number symbolism, has often perpetuated by means of the number fourteen in his works themselves. The letters BACH are namely the alphabet in second, first, third and eighth. Adding these numbers, the result is fourteen.

Fourteen is the name of the formation that has published the German version of " Another Brick in the Wall" by Pink Floyd on record. The German title means " stone by stone ".

Mythology and religion

The zahlenmystische importance of Fourteen is the doubling of the Seven.

The Way of the Cross traditionally consists of fourteen stations. The Catholic Church is aware of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, fourteen saints who are called in certain emergencies. You are dedicated to numerous churches, among them the Sanctuary Vierzehnheiligen in Upper Franconia, named after the well of the surrounding site.

The Greek goddess Hera served fourteen companions, of which their messenger Iris is the best known. Amphion and Niobe had fourteen children ( seven daughters and seven sons ), who were killed by Apollo and Artemis.

There are fourteen women, of whom the Hebrew Bible, they were beautiful.

In the New Testament is often in the Gospel of Matthew suspects an example gematrischer interpretation According to Matthew 1.17 EU, there are 14 generations from Abraham to David, 14 generations from David to the Babylonian captivity and 14 generations from the Babylonian captivity to Christ; 14 corresponds to the numerical value of דוד "David".
