17 (number)

The seventeen (17 ) is the natural number between sixteen and eighteen. It is odd and a prime number.


Seventeen is the seventh prime number, and the third Fermat number. She is also the exponent of the sixth Mersenne prime.

Carl Friedrich Gauss discovered nineteen years that the representation of the number 17 as a Fermat prime number allows to construct the regular seventeen-sided with ruler and compass.

Seventeen is the number of groups in the crystallographic plane ( so the two-dimensional equivalent of the 230 space groups in three dimensions ). All these 17 symmetry forms are realized in the artistic decorations of the Alhambra.

Pythagoras hated the 17, because it separates the 16 from their Epogdoon.

History and Society

In Italy, Seventeen has one of the Thirteen corresponding meaning in other countries as an unlucky number; traditionally unlucky day is there in accordance Friday, the Seventeenth. In Italy, no 17th floor in buildings is often counted in many aircraft, for example, Alitalia, missing a 17 series. The French automaker Renault drove his model R17 in Italy as R177.

The misfortune character of Seventeen in Italy is interpreted from an anagram of the Roman number seventeen (XVII ) to Vixi that I have lived in Latin (1st person perfect), so I 'm dead means. Further, the 17 is associated with the number of one of three Roman legions (XVII, XVIII and XIX), which were defeated by the Cherusci in the Varus Battle, in conjunction. While in the 18 and 19 of this relation has been forgotten, nor demonstrates the specificity of the Italian counting of sedici to diciasette of the peculiarity of this number.

In addition to according to Genesis 7.11 in the six hundredth year of Noah's life, have, on the seventeenth day of the month used in the second month, the Flood. Another explanation is the fact that the seventeen when the first digit is advertised slightly smaller and the second ( 17), a gallows is the same with a hanged man.

Culture, literature, music, and spiritual life

17 as the age of majority is right in front of hits in the post-war period the symbolic age almost erwachsenser girl and is found in titles such as

  • At 17, we still have dreams ( Peggy March )
  • Seventeen years, blond hair ( Udo Jürgens )
  • You can not always be seventeen ( Chris Roberts)

Number Seventeen ( Number Seventeen) is the title of a 1932 film by Alfred Hitchcock turned, whose title alludes to a house number.

17 Hippies is the name of a German band founded in 1995 in Berlin.


" Going on 17 " is a widely among colleagues in the retail humorous paraphrase, meaning going to the toilet. With Trick 17 describing solutions for problems that are original, special or just astounding.
