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Heads of State · obituary

Year of the Earth Ox己丑(at the beginning of Earth Rat戊子)

Syria: 2080/81 ( the year in October )

  • 2.1 January to April
  • 2.2 from May to August
  • 2.3 from September to December
  • 2.4 Exact date of birth unknown


Politics and World Affairs


  • April 22: The Madame du Barry is presented to the French court. As a mistress she will soon be King Louis XV. to services.


  • May 7: In Ethiopia begins with the deposition of the Emperor Joash I. Ras Mikael Sehul the era Zemene Mesafint, the time of the prince.
  • Mazagan is abandoned after several attacks of Moroccan troops by the Spaniards. That leaves only Ceuta last remnant of the former Algarve beyond the sea.

James Cook's first Pacific voyage

American colonies

  • The Spaniards take dominion in until then French West of Louisiana. The Spanish Laws of Las Siete Partidas and Coartación also regulate slavery in Spanish Louisiana. The Spanish release law is much more liberal than the French, and allows the slave also to apply for release or even sue a self- purchase.


  • The Scot Alexander Gordon is based in the London Borough of Southwark, a distillery, which later achieved as Gordon 's Gin awareness.

Science and Technology


Technical inventions

  • JANUARY 5: James Watt was granted a patent for the first direct-acting low-pressure steam engine.
  • Nicholas Cugnot introduced his steam car in Paris. The first ride ends at a wall.
  • Richard Arkwright receives a patent for the spinning machine WaterFrame that introduced the Industrial Revolution with the automation of textile production.

Teaching and research

  • Maria Theresa founded, which was founded by Péter Pázmány University in Hungary in 1635 a medical school that will later evolve to Semmelweis University.



  • The inventor Baron Wolfgang von Kempelen (1734-1804) constructed a " chess machine ," in which, however, hides a midget chess player. The so-called " Turk " is a possible interpretation of the phrase " something turks " and " build a Turk ".



January to April

  • February 06: Ludwig von Wallmoden - Gimborn, Austrian general of cavalry († 1862)
  • 09 February: Susette Gontard, German mistress of the poet Friedrich Hölderlin († 1802)
  • February 13: Ivan Krylov, Russian fabulist († 1844)
  • FEBRUARY 13: Jose Antonio Picasarri, Argentine priest and musician († 1843)
  • March 01: François Séverin Marceau, French general († 1796)
  • MARCH 12: Archibald Campbell, British general († 1843)
  • MARCH 19: François Joseph Bosio, French sculptor († 1845)
  • MARCH 23: Augustin Daniel Belliard, French general († 1832)
  • March 23: William Smith, English engineer and geologist († 1839)
  • MARCH 28: Adolph Wilhelm Schack of Staffeldt, Danish Romantic poet († 1826)
  • March 29: Friedrich Accum, German chemist († 1838)
  • MARCH 29: Nicolas Jean -de- Dieu Soult, French general and Marshal of France († 1851)
  • 02 April: George Walter Vincent of meadow, Prussian Vice-Chancellor of the Princely House of Reuss Gera († 1824)
  • April 05: Thomas Masterman Hardy, British naval officer, Admiral († 1839)
  • April 11: Jean Lannes, French general, marshal of France († 1809)
  • April 11: František Vladislav Hek, a Czech patriot, poet and writer († 1847)
  • April 13: Thomas Lawrence, British painter († 1830)
  • APRIL 14: Catherine Joubert Barthélemy, French general († 1799)

May to August

  • 01 June: Joseph Xavier Elsner, Polish composer († 1854)
  • June 05: Edward Daniel Clarke, English mineralogist († 1822)
  • June 15: Jean -Baptiste Berton, French general († 1822)
  • June 18: Robert Stewart, English statesman († 1822)
  • 24 June: August Ferdinand Bernhardi, German linguist and writer († 1820)
  • June 25: Friedrich Ferdinand, Duke of Anhalt- Köthen ( † 1830)
  • July 01: Giovanni Salucci, Italian architect († 1845)
  • July 23: Alexei Titov, Russian composer († 1827)
  • 04 August: Vasily Stasov, Russian architect († 1848)
  • 05 August: Wilhelm Carl Ferdinand von Ahlefeldt - Laurvigen, canon of the cathedral chapter of the Lübeck Cathedral († 1852)
  • 07 August: Karl Cajetan of Gaisruck, Archbishop of Milan and Cardinal († 1846)
  • 07 August: Johann Christian August Grohmann, German philosopher, psychologist and rhetorician († 1847)
  • August 25: Georges Cuvier, French naturalist († 1832)
  • August 30: Boni Asioli, Italian music theorist, music educator, harpsichordist, conductor and composer († 1832)

September to December

  • 08 September: Johann Horkel, German physician and plant physiologist († 1846)
  • 09 September: Felix Cornelis van Maanen, Dutch statesman († 1846)
  • September 09: Ivan Kotljarewskyj, Ukrainian poet († 1838)
  • September 11: Johann Erdmann Hummel, German painter († 1852)
  • October 02: Joseph McIlvaine, American politician († 1826)
  • October 06: Isaac Brock, British general († 1812)
  • OCTOBER 23: James Ward, British painter († 1859)
  • October 24: James Pleasants, American politician († 1836)
  • OCTOBER 28: Simón Rodríguez, Venezuelan educator, philosopher, Utopian socialist and private tutor († 1854)
  • November 01: Garlieb Helwig Merkel, German - Baltic journalist and writer († 1850)
  • November 03: Ernst Gottlieb Bengel, German theologian († 1826)
  • November 08: Michael Bille, Danish- Norwegian and Prussian naval officer († 1845)
  • NOVEMBER 19: Elise citizens Württemberg poet, third wife of Gottfried August Bürger († 1833)
  • 000Dezember: James Lloyd, American politician († 1831)
  • DECEMBER 17: Christian Friedrich von Cochenhausen, Hessian Lieutenant General and War Minister, library founder († 1839)
  • December 22: Franz variety, South Tyrolean sculptor († 1863)
  • December 24: Franz Alexander von Kleist, Prussian poet († 1797)
  • DECEMBER 26: Ernst Moritz Arndt, German scholar and national poet († 1860)

Exact date of birth unknown

  • Álvaro Flórez Estrada, Spanish economist († 1853)
  • Joseph Haslet, American politician († 1823)
  • Daniil Kashin, Russian composer († 1841)
  • Karel Postl, Czech classical landscape painter, draftsman and graphic artist († 1813)
  • Henry S. Thibodaux, American politician († 1827)


  • January 20: Friedrich Christian, Margrave of Brandenburg -Bayreuth (* 1708)
  • January 24: Marie Elisabeth of Ahlefeldt, Konventualin and maid of honor of Princess Louise of Denmark and Norway ( * 1719)
  • January 27: Matthias Amoor, Dutch organ builder in Groningen
  • 02 February: . Clement XIII, Italian Pope since 1758 (* 1693)
  • February 06: Georg Friedrich Baermann, (* 1717) German mathematician
  • FEBRUARY 13: Johann Hildebrand Withof, Prussian professor of eloquence and history in Duisburg (* 1694 )
  • 03 April: Gerhard Tersteegen, German mystic and poet of hymns (* 1697 )
  • APRIL 24: Philipp Friedrich Hiller, German pastor and hymn writer (* 1699)
  • NOVEMBER 27: Kamo no Mabuchi, Japanese poet and literary scholar (* 1697 )
  • Chevalier d' Herbain, French composer (c. 1730-34 )