186 BC

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Heads of State

Year of the Hare wood乙卯( at the beginning of the year Wood Tiger甲寅)

Syria: 126/127 ( year in October )


Politics and World Affairs

  • Due to the Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus, a decision of the Roman Senate, the bacchanalian celebrations in Rome and the Roman sphere of influence will be banned and dissolved by the Consul Spurius Postumius Albinus. Up to 7,000 people are executed. The history speaks of Bacchanalienskandal.

Culture and Sport

  • It animal hunts are preserved in the Roman Empire for the first time. Animal hunts ( venationes ) in addition to the gladiator fights in the following centuries, the great attraction of the entertainment culture in the Roman Empire.
  • In Rome first appear to paid athletes from Greece.


Pictures of 186 BC
