1867 in art

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  • The k.k. Arts and Crafts School of k.k. Austrian Museum for Art and Industry is founded.
  • The August Sicard von Sicardsburg and Eduard van der Null for the Teppichhaus Philipp Haas & Söhne in the style of historicism at Stock-im - Eisen-Platz in the city center of Vienna erected Haas-Haus is completed after one year of construction.


  • JANUARY 29: Elisabeth Büchsel, German painter († 1957)
  • January 31: Mariusz Zaruski, Polish general, sailors, mountaineers, writer, poet and painter († 1941)
  • February 8: Michael Zeno Diemer, German painter († 1939)
  • FEBRUARY 28: Thomas Theodor Heine, German painter, illustrator and satirist († 1948)
  • July 8: Kathe Kollwitz, German artist († 1945)
  • JULY 25: Max Dauthendey, German poet and painter († 1918)
  • Alessandro Abate, Italian painter († 1952)
  • George Walter Caldwell, American otolaryngologist, painter and writer († 1946)


  • Francesc Daniel Molina i Casamajó, Catalan architect (* 1812)