1867 in literature

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  • 2.1 First half of
  • 2.2 Second half of
  • 2.3 Exact date of birth unknown


Loeb Classical Library

  • November 9: By law, the North German Confederation, all literary works are public domain, whose authors have died 30 or more years ago.
  • November 10: With the volumes of thumb. A tragedy and fist. The tragedy, second part of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe begins the Reclam Verlag with the publication of Loeb Classical Library. The very large for then- publisher relations, each with initial production of 5,000 copies is as good as sold out within a few weeks, so that once 5,000 copies are printed and delivered in December. By the end of the year another 33 numbers of the universal library will appear.


  • Thérèse Raquin, Émile Zola's third novel, is published. The work brings the author 's literary breakthrough in Paris.
  • Leo Tolstoy completed the original version of his epic War and Peace, but whose publication is not concluded.
  • The historical novel Witiko of Adalbert Stifter appears.



Scientific works

  • Karl Marx published the first volume of his major work The economic capital: The production process of capital.
  • The African explorer Paul Belloni Du Chaillu reports on his second trip to Africa, the years 1863-65 in his travelogue A journey to Ashango country and Further Penetration into Equatorial Africa.


First half year

  • February 5: Elsbeth Krukenberg Conze, German writer and suffragist († 1954)
  • February 6: Richard Lipinski, German trade unionist, politician and writer († 1936)
  • February 7: Laura Ingalls Wilder, American writer († 1957)
  • February 9: Natsume Soseki, Japanese writer († 1916)
  • FEBRUARY 18: Hedwig Courths Mahler, German writer († 1950)
  • FEBRUARY 24: Karl Schönherr, Austrian playwright († 1943)
  • February 25: Rudolf Tarnow, Low German writer († 1933)
  • March 1: Konrad Agahd, German writer, educator and journalist († 1926)
  • May 7: Władysław Reymont, Polish writer († 1925)
  • MAY 14: Kurt Eisner, German politician and writer († 1919)
  • MAY 16: Jeanne Berta Semmig, German writer and poet († 1958)
  • May 27: Arnold Bennett, British writer († 1931)
  • MAY 28: Sebastian Rieger, Tyrolean folk poet and priest († 1953)

Second half- year

  • JULY 25: Max Dauthendey, German poet and painter († 1918)
  • JULY 26: Koda Rohan, Japanese writer († 1947)

Exact date of birth unknown

  • George Walter Caldwell, American otolaryngologist, painter and writer († 1946)


  • JANUARY 21: Anders Oldberg, Swedish educator and author (* 1804)
  • February 5: Serafín Estébanez Calderón, Spanish writer (* 1799)
  • April 8: Emil Adolf Rossmaessler, German naturalist and people (b. 1806)
  • MAY 25: William of Kügelgen, German writer (* 1802)