1889 in literature

1888 | Literature 1889 | 1893 More events

  • 2.1 First half of
  • 2.2 Second half of



  • Jerome K. Jerome publishes the novel Three Men in a Boat. The book was originally planned as a serious guide with stories about the history of places along the route, but the humorous descriptions ultimately gained the upper hand. The three men are based on Jerome himself and his friends George and Harris.
  • Mark Twain published the satirical novel A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • Sans dessus dessous, the novel ( The shot of Kilimanjaro ) by Jules Verne published in Pierre- Jules Hetzel Publisher.
  • Bertha von Suttner published Lay down your arms! published by Edgar Pierson in Dresden. The pacifist novel achieved within a short time a superior awareness and dissemination
  • Detlev von Liliencron The Maecenas


  • Theodor Fontane: Butterstulle launcher, Fritz scrape, Nordic king names among others


Scientific works, essays

  • Friedrich Nietzsche arisen in the previous work Twilight of the Idols or How to philosophize with the hammer is released. In January Nietzsche has a mental breakdown.
  • Othniel Charles Marsh for the first time describes the dinosaur genus Triceratops.


  • The first edition of The Jewish Quarterly appears, an international magazine, which deals with Jewish literature


First half year

  • JANUARY 5: Julius Zerzer, Austrian writer († 1971)
  • January 10: Joseph Santley, American film director, writer and producer († 1971)
  • JANUARY 15: Walter Serner, German essayist, novelist and Dadaist († 1942)
  • January 20: Tryggve Gran, the Norwegian pilot, explorer and author († 1980)
  • JANUARY 23: Rikard Long Faroese poet and literary critic († 1977)
  • JANUARY 24: Victor Eftimiu, Romanian writer († 1972)
  • JANUARY 29: Bruno Ertler, Austrian writer († 1927)
  • February 6: Hans Bellée, German archivist and historian († 1960)
  • February 7: Ludwig Winder, Austrian writer, journalist and literary critic († 1946)
  • February 24: Kuni Tremel - Eggert, German writer († 1957)
  • FEBRUARY 26: Otto Rieth Müller, German poet († 1939)
  • March 1: Kanoko Okamoto, Japanese writer († 1939)
  • MARCH 6: Hamza Hakimzoda Niyoziy, Uzbek Soviet writer († 1929)
  • March 7: Heinrich Studer, Swiss publisher († 1961)
  • MARCH 31: Otto Friedlander, Austrian writer and pacifist († 1961)
  • April 7: Gabriela Mistral, Chilean poet and diplomat († 1957)
  • APRIL 14: Karl Schworm, German author and poet home († 1956)
  • APRIL 17: Joseph Georg Oberkofler, Austrian jurist, storyteller and poet († 1962)
  • April 22: Ludwig Renn, German writer († 1979)
  • April 26: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Austrian philosopher († 1951)
  • May 4: Richard Seewald, German painter and writer († 1976)
  • MAY 29: Uchida Hyakken, Japanese writer († 1971)
  • June 1: Charles Kay Ogden, a British linguist and writer († 1957)
  • JUNE 13: Axel Bakunts, Armenian writer, translator and screenwriter († 1937)
  • June 17: Jan Skala, Sorbian journalist and writer († 1945)
  • June 23: Anna Akhmatova Andrejewna, Russian poet and writer († 1966)
  • June 23: Miki Rofu, Japanese poet, children's author and essayist († 1964)
  • 24 June: Leopold Reitz, German writer († 1972)

Second half- year

  • July 3: Karla King, German journalist, writer and Kulturfunktionärin († 1963)
  • July 5: Jean Cocteau, French writer, director, choreographer, painter († 1963)
  • July 10: Noble Sissle, African-American singer and lyric poet († 1975)
  • July 13: Adam Scharrer, German writer († 1948)
  • July 17: Erle Stanley Gardner, American crime writer († 1970)
  • August 5: Conrad Aiken, American author and winner of the Pulitzer Prize († 1973)
  • August 9: Friedrich Burschell, German writer († 1970)
  • August 14: Willi Miinzenberg German communist and publisher († 1940)
  • August 23: Alfred Lichtenstein, German jurist and expressionist writer († 1914)
  • SEPTEMBER 4: John Sass, German linguist and lexicographer († 1971)
  • September 6: Ludwig Tügel, German writer († 1972)
  • September 12: Heinrich Lersch, German boilermaker workers and poet († 1936)
  • September 12: Joe Gould, American writer († 1957)
  • SEPTEMBER 23: Walter Lippmann, American writer († 1974)
  • September 28: Hans Behrendt, German film director, screenwriter and actor († 1942)
  • October 3: Carl von Ossietzky, German writer and publisher († 1938)
  • October 6: Maria Dabrowska, Polish writer († 1965)
  • October 7: Heinrich Eduard Jacob, German journalist and writer († 1967)
  • October 9th: Richard St. Barbe Baker, a British forest scientist, environmental activist and author († 1982)
  • OCTOBER 12: Dietrich von Hildebrand, Catholic philosopher, theologian and author († 1977)
  • October 16: Gottfried Kölwel, German poet, dramatist and storyteller († 1958)
  • OCTOBER 19: Fannie Hurst, American writer and journalist († 1968)
  • OCTOBER 27: Rudolf Leonhard, German writer and communist († 1953)
  • NOVEMBER 10: Julius Franz Schütz, Austrian poet and cultural historian († 1961)
  • November 11: Kubota Mantaro, Japanese writer († 1963)
  • November 14: Taha Hussein, Arabic writer († 1973)
  • November 16: George Simon Kaufman, American author († 1961)
  • November 18: Hans Reimann, German writer, playwright and screenwriter († 1969)
  • December 2: Margot Benary - Isbert, German author († 1979)
  • December 6: Max Pulver, Swiss psychologist, graphologist, poet, dramatist and storyteller († 1956)
  • December 8: Hervey Allen, American writer († 1949)
  • December 8: Leopold Marx, German writer, poet and producer ( † 1983)
  • December 12: Väinö Albert Nuorteva, Finnish writer and journalist († 1967)
  • December 14: Maximilian Müller- Jabusch, German journalist († 1961)
  • DECEMBER 30: George of the Vring, German writer († 1968)

