1893 in film

Movie Calendar ◄ | 1889 | 1890 | 1891 | 1892 | Film 1893 | 1894 | 1895 | 1896 | 1897 | ► | ► ► More events


  • Beginning of 1893 opened Thomas Alva Edison in West Orange, New Jersey, the Black Maria, the first production studio for kinetographische films.
  • In May this year he leads there before produced films to the public which are filed by his assistant William Dickson in August at the Library of Congress, to protect copyright. Among other things, Blacksmith Scene, which is considered the first produced for commercial screenings film.
  • William Dickson introduced the 35 mm film format.


January to March


  • May 06: Harry d' Abbadie d' Arrast, American film director († 1968)
  • MAY 26: Norma Talmadge, American actress († 1957)

July to September

  • 06 August: Guthrie McClintic, American actor and producer ( † 1961)
  • August 12: Oscar German, British cinema operator († 1941)
  • August 14: Hans Rouc, Austrian art director ( † 1963)
  • August 17: Mae West, American actress († 1980)
  • August 22: Cecil Kellaway, American actor († 1973)
  • August 22: Ernst Waldow, German actor († 1964)
  • AUGUST 29: Diana Cooper, British actress († 1986)

October to December

  • 09 October: Heinrich George, German actor († 1946)
  • October 14: Lillian Gish, American actress († 1993)
  • October 20: Charley Chase, American actor († 1940)
  • October 23: Jean Acker, American actress († 1978)
  • October 30: Willy Maertens, German actor and director († 1967)