1951–52 DDR-Oberliga (ice hockey) season

The East German Ice Hockey Cup 1951/52, was held in winter 1951/52. Originally a league - topping was planned to six participants, eventually attended seven teams since the BSG Fortschritt Apolda - non-runner in the actual qualifying tournament - during the season was subsequently nominated. After eight games and so far completed five games but the team was withdrawn.

Champion team



5The BSG Fortschritt Apolda pulled their team back after five matches played. All other game - Away counted against Apolda.

Rise tournament for League 1952/53,

From the following season, the East German champion was determined in the big leagues, the previous designation " league" was now on a second division below the Oberliga reserved. The Tournament of Champions (except Mecklenburg ) was subsequently declared to Ascension tournament for the second division after originally to be played by the two vacant seats Oberliga.

Name Changes

1The BSG Chemie white water started in the preseason under the name BSG Ostglas. 2The BSG bismuth ore Frankenhausen launched under the name SG Frankenhausen in the season and was renamed in December 1951. 3The BSG Fortschritt Crimmitschau started in the preseason under the name BSG textile splices reason. 4The BSG Einheit Berlin Bear started in the preseason under the name BSG Empor Berlin.
