2005 Lake Tanganyika earthquake

The earthquake occurred on Lake Tanganyika on 5 December 2005 against 12:19:55 (UTC, 14:19:55 local time ) in eastern Congo and had a magnitude of 6.8.

UN staff reported that this people have lost their lives. The largest losses were in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where, especially in the city Kalemie, which lies directly from the epicenter at sea and only 55 km. In this region, numerous refugees from the Congo war.

The tremors, which were measured by the U.S. Geological Survey, were still to be felt on the coast of Kenya and in Nairobi, which is approximately 975 km away. Also affected were some of the less inhabited regions in Burundi, Zambia and Tanzania, but also the capital of Rwanda, Kigali.
