2007 TU24

2007 TU24 is a near-Earth asteroid that was discovered on 11 October 2007 by the Catalina Sky Survey. Its elliptical orbit extends to beyond the orbit of Mars in the main asteroid belt. His sun next path point is inside Earth's orbit. He belongs to the group of the Apollo asteroids. With a diameter of about 250 m, it is large enough to wreak havoc with a regional impact on Earth.

As noted in the orbit determination in advance, he flew 29 January 2008 09:33 CET clock at a distance of 554,209 kilometers past the earth, which corresponds to about 1.44 lunar orbit radii. He came close to the earth so that radar scans were possible with radio telescopes and spectral investigations of its surface. Even with simple amateur telescopes could observe the 10.5 size classes bright object in its path.

NASA assured that now and in the near future there is no threat to Earth.
