200s BC (decade)

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◄ | 1st millennium BC | ► ◄ | 4th century BC | 3rd century BC | 2nd century BC | ► ◄ | 230s BC | 220- BC | 210cc BC | 200 BC | 190 BC | 180 BC | 170 BC | ► 209 BC | 208 BC | 207 BC | 206 BC | 205 BC | 204 BC | 203 BC | 202 BC | 201 v. BC | 200 BC


  • End of the Second Punic War (218 BC to 201 BC): After numerous defeats, the Romans can enforce against Carthage. Individual waypoints are the capture of New Carthage 209 BC by Scipio, 207 BC, the victory in the Battle of the Metaurus about Hasdrubal Barcas and the landing of the Romans in North Africa, to which Hannibal to leave Italy and 202 BC in the Battle of Zama by Scipio is beaten. Carthage surrenders and receives the following year, a peace dictated by the Romans.
  • 202 BC: justification of the Han Dynasty by Emperor Han Gaozu ( demise 220 ​​AD).