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Wood Snake (乙巳, 42) - Fire Horse (丙午, 43)

2026 is a year of 365 days. The year begins on Thursday, January 1, and also ends on a Thursday, December 31.

Anticipated events

  • Host the XXIV Olympic Winter Games.
  • Project Aurora: Unmanned Mars mission as a forward for the manned mission, which is scheduled for 2033.
  • In the summer of 2026 the 23 FIFA World Cup is being expected. According to FIFA rules, they will be held either in Europe or in Asia.
  • Completion of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, ​​whose construction began in 1882.
  • The People's Republic of China, the most populous country in the world, is expected to achieve forecast to 1.395015 billion inhabitants with the climax.


Already fixed events


Pictures of 2026
