(2140) Kemerovo

Template: Infobox Asteroid / Maintenance / Error 1

( 2140 ) Kemerovo is an asteroid of the outer main belt, discovered by Soviet astronomer Lyudmila Chernykh on August 3, 1970 at the Crimean Observatory in Nautschnyj (IAU code 095). Unconfirmed sightings of the asteroid it had previously been a number: for example, on 12 January 1926, the provisional designation 1926 AJ at the Hamburg Observatory in Bergedorf, on 26 November 1940 ( 1940 WB) at the French Observatoire de Nice, and on 28 January 1952 (1952 BH1 ) at the McDonald Observatory in Texas.

The mean diameter of the asteroid was determined with 29.49 ( ± 1.6 ) km. With an albedo of 0.09, the rounded surface is quite dark. The light curve was measured at the Observatoire de Genève ( Geneva Observatory ) - in August 2001 by Laurent Olivier Bernasconi and Thizy and then again in July 2006 by René Roy - and has a period of about 9 hours.

( 2140 ) was named after Kemerovo Kemerovo on 8 February 1982 a Russian town in western Siberia.
