(219) Thusnelda

Template: Infobox Asteroid / Maintenance / Error 1

(219 ) Thusnelda is an asteroid of the main asteroid belt, which was discovered on September 30, 1880 by Johann Palisa at the Naval Observatory in Pola.

Was named the asteroid after Thusnelda, wife of the Germanic warrior Arminius.

Thusnelda moves at a distance of 1.8269 ( perihelion ) to 2.8816 ( aphelion ) astronomical units in 3.6122 years of the sun. The orbit is inclined 10.8412 ° to the ecliptic, the orbital eccentricity is 0.224.

Thusnelda has a diameter of 41 kilometers. It has a relatively bright surface with an albedo of 0.201. In approximately 29 hours and 51 minutes to rotate around its own axis. So that it has a relatively slow self-rotation.
