23 (number)

The twenty-three ( 23) is the natural number 22 to 24 it is odd, and a prime number.

The twenty-three and sum of its digits 5 are referred to in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus novels in a self-conceived numerology as numbers of calamity, of destruction, and not least of the Illuminati. The inspiration for this mystification were the authors of the short story " 23 Skidoo ", which William S. Burroughs published in 1967. In the period following the 23 was taken up to the mystical figures of pop culture and in different (film) productions:

  • In Latigo with James Garner is the main hero - as a running gag - always his money on that number and loses. Only at the end of the film he breaks the bank.
  • The hacker Karl Koch focuses on film 23 - Nothing is as it seems (1998) with myths that have grown up around the number.
  • Number 23 is the 23rd film in the Joel Schumacher directed. Jim Carrey followed in this film from the number.
  • The radio play Revelation 23 deals among other things with conspiracy theories and mysteries.
  • The Minimal Electro band Welle: Erdball dedicated her song " 23" the " band member " Commodore 64, on the grounds that the number 64 " divided by two and then turned around" twenty-three and thus the number of the Illuminati is apparent.
  • " 23 Skidoo " was a very well-known in the U.S. of the 1920s phrase. It means as much as " quickly cut off " or " get out while it's still doing well ." There is also a music band of the same name, see 23 Skidoo.