26 (number)

The Twenty-six (26 ) is the natural number 25-27 She is straight.

Mathematical meaning

Pierre de Fermat realized that the 26 directly between a square number ( ) and a cubic number () is located. Finally he succeeded after a few days with a sophisticated mathematical proof to clarify that this criterion does not match any other number. Fermat admitted this fact, the mathematician municipality known, but concealed his own evidence, probably "test" to the colleagues. The evidence, however, was so complicated that the contemporary mathematicians Wallis and Digby, who tried to prove the theory itself had to give up.

Religious significance

The Hebrew Tetragrammaton יהוה ( " YHWH ", German usually rendered as Yahweh or Jehovah ), which is the name of God in the Old Testament, together with the numerical values ​​of the four letters that are also Hebrew numerals, the sum of 26 In the gematria of the Jewish mystical interpretation letters, can therefore "God " can be interpreted as 26.

According to Jewish tradition, Moses is said to have obtained in the 26th generation since the creation by God, the Torah.


The Latin alphabet has 26 letters.


  • Simon Singh: Fermat's Last Theorem. dtv -Verlag, ISBN 3- 423-33052 -X