280s BC

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◄ | 1st millennium BC | ► ◄ | 4th century BC | 3rd century BC | 2nd century BC | ► ◄ | 310er BC | 300 BC | 290s BC | 280 BC | 270 BC | 260s BC | 250 BC | ► 289 BC | 288 BC | 287 BC | 286 BC | 285 BC | 284 BC | 283 BC | 282 BC | 281 v. BC | 280 BC


  • 280 BC: The Achaiische Confederation is founded.
  • 280 BC: Emergence of Pudgalavada.
  • 280 BC: Sostratus of Knidos build the lighthouse of Pharos.


  • 280 BC: Ptolemy II founds the Museion at Alexandria.
  • 288 BC: Ptolemy I founded the library of Alexandria.