2867 Å teins

Template: Infobox Asteroid / Maintenance / Error 1

( 2867 ) Šteins is an asteroid of the main asteroid belt and was discovered by Nikolai Stepanovich Chernykh in 1969 and named by him after the Latvian- Soviet astronomers Karlis Šteins. His figure is significantly elongated, ie its longest axis exceeds the shortest by about 50 percent. Šteins diameter is 4.5 to 6.7 kilometers. Its rotational period is six hours and three minutes.

On 5 September 2008, the Rosetta spacecraft flew by distance to Šteins 800 kilometers. This was the first flyby of a spacecraft on an asteroid of type E.

According to new findings are in this asteroid is not a single object, but rather the accumulation of large individual debris.
