294 BC

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Year of the Fire Hare丁卯( at the beginning of the year Fire Tiger丙寅)

Syria: 18/19 ( the year in October )


Eastern Mediterranean

  • Antipater II, King of Macedonia, is also trying to rid himself of his brother and Mitkönigs Alexander V., who then calls Demetrios I. Poliorketes to help after the murder of his mother Thessalonica. This makes even claims to the throne argued crashes Antipater, who goes into exile, Alexander V. as unwelcome competitors can kill and declared himself king of Macedonia.
  • Lysimachus recognizes Demetrios ' to kingship, which Lysimachus in return, the Ionian cities of Asia Minor leaves, which he had previously taken Demetrios.
  • Demetrios occupied Athens and can be celebrated by the city as a liberator from the rule of tyrants Lachares. An attempt of Sparta, to break away from the Macedonian supremacy, he throws down with a victory at Mantinea.
  • Seleucus I appoints his son Antiochus I as co-regent in his kingdom. This gets Stratonike, the daughter of Demetrius I Poliorketes and until then with Seleucus I himself married to wife.
  • Ptolemy I of Egypt conquered the renegade Cyprus back.

Western Mediterranean

  • While the Etruscan cities and Rome make peace, set the Samnites after the defeat of the Third Sentinum Samnitenkrieg continued. In Luceria them again succeeds a victory over Roman troops under M. Atilius, they can also devastate the area around the Roman city Interamna. In contrast, the Romans conquer the cities Milionia and Feritrum.


  • Alexander V., Macedonian king
  • Lachares, fallen tyrant of Athens
  • Year ( 3rd century BC)
  • 294 BC