2nd century BC

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The 2nd century BC started on January 1, 200 BC and ended on December 31, 101 BC.

Events / developments

  • The Roman Empire expanded eastward and submits, inter alia, Macedonia. In the third Punic war, the competing superpower Carthage 146 BC defeated. However, in the north the Roman army suffered a defeat against the Cimbri.
  • The Parthian Empire conquered large parts of Persia and Mesopotamia and is a great power.
  • The Chinese Emperor Wu (Han Dynasty ) rises Confucianism as the state doctrine and begins the great Chinese expansion. His government is the culmination of Chinese power to the birth of Christ.
  • In northern India, in the Shunga dynasty.
  • In northwestern India, the Milindapanha, the recording of a dialogue between the Hellenistic king Menander and the Buddhist monk and scholar Nagasena arises. This looked as halbkanonisches work in Buddhism scripture is one of the earliest evidence of the encounter of a European-influenced culture with the teaching of the Buddha.


  • Titus Maccius Plautus (c. 254 BC; † around 184 BC ), Roman comedy writer
  • Hannibal (c. 247 BC; † 183 BC), Carthaginian commander
  • Scipio Africanus ( 236 BC *, † 183 BC), Roman general and statesman
  • Cato the Elder ( 234 BC *, † 149 BC ), Roman statesman, orator and writer
  • Polybius (c. 200 BC; † 120 BC), Greek historian
  • Publius Terentius Afer (c. 190 BC; † around 159 BC ), Roman comedy writer
  • Mithridates I (c. 195 BC; † 138/137 BC), king of the Parthians conquered large parts of Mesopatmien
  • Wudi ( 156 BC *, † 87 BC), Chinese Emperor
  • Gaius Marius ( 156 BC *, † 86 BC) called third founder of Rome, seven times consul, Roman general, conqueror of Jugurtha and the Cimbri and the Teutons