2nd Soviet Antarctic Expedition

The Second Soviet Antarctic Expedition in the years 1956-1958 an Antarctic expedition of the Soviet Union, which was led by Alexei Fyodorovich Trjoschnikow on the Antarctic continent; the Seeexpediton the "if", which left 1956 Kaliningrad on November 7, led by W. Maksimov.

For the transport of the expedition members and their equipment and facilities were the three ships were used, all of which were powered by a diesel electric propulsion. And the RV " Lena" (Captain Al Vetrov ) used; For the first expedition "if" (Captain IA Man flagship ) were used as the main vessels, the RV. The third ship was the " Kooperazija " by Captain AS Jantselewitsch, this was mainly used as a transport ship.

The objects of the expedition presented itself this way:


  • AW Noodle One Soviet Antarctic Expeditions 1955-1959, Akademii Nauk SSSR Izdatel'stvo, Moskva, 1959 ( Translated from the Russian by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1966 for the National Science Foundation).
  • Antarctic expedition
  • Soviet Navy