
The Climate Change Coalition ( CCC) is a political party in Australia, which was founded in 2006 to pressure the major political parties to exercise with regard to global warming. The CCC is working on the problem together to solve climate change in cooperation with large companies. Thus the party ensures close cooperation between businesses and environmentalists. The CCC was registered in September 2007 by the Australian Electoral Commission for the federal elections of that year.

Election results

First choice

First, the Climate Change Coalition was not meant as a political party, but as a grouping of various politicians to solve the problem. The first choice attendance was for the CCC in New South Wales in March 2007 at the state level. For the House of Lords as candidates 21 candidates of the party. This group was led by Patrice Newell, himself the author and organic farmer. This coalition was strongly criticized by the other parties through its strict interpretation of environmental issues.

Since they were not a party in the electoral system while they were not allowed to compete under their real names as well. The 21 " Group F " candidates together reached 18,999 votes, or 0.50 % of the vote. The required 4.55% for a successful election they missed clear what may have been also the unusual choice of name.

Federal Election 2007

On 4 September 2007, the party was officially registered by the Electoral Commission.

The candidates for the Senate in NSW were Patrice Newell and Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, a well-known scientists and media representatives.

With the official name on the ballot is now brought only half a year later it is 0.83 % of the vote in NSW but without lead a successful candidate by choice. In the other countries, the results ranged from 0.27 % ( in Western Australia ) to 0.78 % ( in Victoria). Nationwide, the party got 78 710 votes (0.62 %).
