
History Portal | Portal Biographies | Current Events | Calendar years

◄ | 5th century | 6th century | 7th century | ► ◄ | 550s | 560s | 570er | 580er | 590er | 600 | 610er | ► 580 | 581 | 582 | 583 | 584 | 585 | 586 | 587 | 588 | 589


  • 580: Last mention of the Roman Senate.
  • 581: The Chinese General Yang Jiang, who had overthrown the 577 northern Qi dynasty on behalf of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, removed after 580 death happened the last emperor of the Zhou dynasty, his heirs and justified itself the Sui Dynasty. As Emperor he called Tue Wen Thus, the time of the Southern and Northern Dynasties is finished.
  • October 23 585: The Synod of Mâcon decides for the Frankish Empire the delivery of a " tithe ", a regular kind levy of 10 % of agricultural income. You become in the Middle Ages to the richest source control.
  • 589: In Spain, the credo is taken with the Filioque addition to the Mass liturgy on the 3rd Synod of Toledo.