636 BC

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◄ | 8th century BC | 7th century BC | 6th century BC | ► ◄ | 650 BC | 640 mm BC | BC 630 model | 620s BC | 610er BC | ► ◄ ◄ | ◄ | 639 BC | 638 BC | 637 BC | 636 BC | 635 BC | 634 BC | 633 BC | ► | ► ►


  • The kingdom of Elam was conquered by Assurbanipal.
  • Wen of Jin becomes the new ruler of Jin, which he ruled until his death 628 BC. Under his rule, Jin is the most powerful state of China.


  • Hui Jin, Chinese ruler of the time of the Spring and Autumn Annals
  • Year ( 7th century BC)
  • 636 BC