(6362) Tunis

Template: Infobox Asteroid / Maintenance / Error 1

( 6362 ) Tunis is an asteroid of the outer main belt, which was discovered on May 19, 1979 by the Danish astronomer Richard Martin West at La Silla Observatory of the European Southern Observatory in Chile ( IAU code 809). An unconfirmed sighting of the asteroid it had previously already given on 25 January 1971, the provisional designation 1971 BC1 at the Crimean Observatory in Nautschnyj.

The mean diameter of ( 6362 ) Tunis is located at 39.58 ( ± 3.5 ) km, the surface is coated with an albedo of 0.0373 (± 0.008) darker than any planet's surface in the solar system average.

After FORMING classification (Small Main -Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey) was conducted at a spectroscopic investigation of Gianluca Masi, Sergio Foglia and Richard P. Binzel also assumed in ( 6362 ) Tunis of a dark surface, so it could be then, roughly to act in a C- asteroids.

( 6362 ) Tunis was named at the suggestion of Richard Martin West on May 9, 2001, in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. On 7 November 2001 Richard Martin West received by the Tunisian President Zine el- Abidine Ben Ali for naming the Order Grand Officier de l' Ordre de la République.
