64 (number)

The Sixty-four (64 ) is the natural number between 63 and 65 It is just a centered triangular number and a power of two with the exponent 6, ie: 26 = 64 Thus, it is the smallest of 0 and 1 different number that both

  • Square number ( because 64 = 26 = (23 ) 2 = 82 ) and
  • Cubic number ( because 64 = 26 = (22 ) 3 = 43).

Since 64 = 26, it corresponds to the binary system of one with six zeros, and since 64 = 4 · 16, it is also a round number in hexadecimal, which is represented by the digits " 40 ".

In practice, the 64 has the following areas of outstanding importance:

  • In the game of kings, chess, she plays a legendary role as the number of fields of a chessboard.
  • There are 64 hexagrams, which can be combined I Ching from the basic elements of the Chinese oracle book.
  • The reciprocal of the power of 64 is included in the music as Vierundsechzigstelnote to describe the tone duration.

See also:

  • The Year 64
  • Integer