(8752) Flammeus

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( 8752 ) flammeus is an asteroid of the inner main belt, which was discovered on 24 September 1960 by the Dutch astronomer Cornelis Johannes van Houten couple and Ingrid van Houten - Groeneveld. The discovery came as part of the Palomar - Leiden Survey, which recorded by Tom Gehrels with the 120 - inch Oschin Schmidt telescope at Palomar Observatory field plates at Leiden University were screened.

The Italian astronomer Vincenzo Zappalà has the assistance of a hierarchical cluster analysis in a publication of 1995 ( et al. ) Extrapolated a membership to the asteroid Nysa family, one named after (44 ) Nysa group of asteroids. The group is also called Hertha family, according to (135 ) Hertha.

The asteroid was named after the short-eared owl on 2 February 1999, whose scientific name is Asio flammeus. At the time of designation, the Short-eared Owl was on the Dutch and European Red List of endangered bird species.
