9th millennium BC

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The 9th millennium BC describes the period from 9000 BC to 8000 BC

Era / period

  • To 9000 BC, the Epipalaeolithic ( prehistory to the Neolithic period ) ends in the Levant, where people were already settled and seasonal wild cereals collected, but not cultivated. With the settlement of Jericho and the beginning of agriculture in Tell Abu Hureyra now begins the Neolithic in the Levant.


  • The world population in the 9th millennium BC was about five to ten million people.
  • Gobekli Tepe cultures ( Şanlıurfa (Province of Anatolia, Turkey) ) and Dja'de el Mughara (near Aleppo )
  • Jericho is an early town-like settlement.
  • In the transition from hunter-gatherer to agricultural crops probably develop matriarchal societies.
  • Folsom culture in the American Midwest
  • The earliest finds of the Kunda culture or the preform in sweater, Estonia


  • According to Buddhist mythology life of the Buddha Kashyapa

Inventions and Discoveries

  • To 9000 BC, the domestic sheep in northern Iraq was domesticated, at first only as a source of meat.

Pictures of 9th millennium BC
