A Sunday in the Country

  • Louis Ducreux: Monsieur Ladmiral
  • Michel Aumont: Gonzague
  • Sabine Azéma: Irène
  • Geneviève Mnich: Marie -Thérèse
  • Monique Chaumette: Mercédès
  • Thomas Duval: Emile
  • Quentin Ogier: Lucien
  • Katia Wostrikoff: Mireille
  • Claude Winter: Madame Ladmiral
  • Jean -Roger Milo: The fisherman
  • Pascale Vignal: The Waitress
  • Jacques Poitrenaud: Hector, the host
  • Valentine Suard: Little girl 1
  • Erika Faivre: Little girl 2
  • Marc Perrone: The Accordionist

A Sunday in the Country is a film by Bertrand Tavernier from the year 1984. The screenplay was created after the 1945 novel, Monsieur Ladmiral va bientôt mourir by Pierre Bost.


In a large country house in late summer 1912. The old painter Ladmiral maintains late to get up. His housekeeper Mercédès is already making preparations for the visit every Sunday of the son Gonzague family.

Ladmiral obtained from the family with the three children from the train station. Together they spend the late morning in the large garden. The old man holds not much by his son - he thinks he's a loser - and his wife Marie -Thérèse is alien to him. But he can also realize that he is not really happy with his own life.

Into the midst of the siesta after lunch bursts like a whirlwind with her automobile, the daughter of the house, Irène. With their sometimes placed good humor she brings life to the family reunion, her unhappy love it concealed. The brother come up his negative memories, in his eyes Irène was always preferred by the father. To make matters worse, that it is unlike him as the owner of a fashion boutique professional success.

By car Irène travels with her father to a dance club on a lake. He confesses that he has always been very conservative in his painting, although he greatly admire the modern painters. He had been too cowardly to start anew.

Hastily Irène goes off to save her unhappy love. After a dinner oppressed the family of Gonzague travels back to Paris. Ladmiral takes in his studio the unfinished picture of the easel and sets up a new canvas. His dream is to paint a "modern image ".


  • International Film Festival of Cannes / Best Director 1984 - Bertrand Tavernier
  • César / Best Leading Actress 1985 - Sabine Azéma
  • César / Best Cinematography 1985 - Bruno de Keyzer
  • César / Best Adapted Screenplay 1985 - Bertrand Tavernier and Colo


" In this visually stunning masterpiece to life stories and emotions unfold only in the course of the said Sunday. Tavernier is building an atmosphere, which is almost equivalent to an impressionist painting by the aesthetic color compositions and created a melancholic, detail joyous work of art that is supported not only by the excellent photography, but also by the brilliant performer crew. "

" The very good performer and a masterful staging make the film a cinema event. "

"The film is not only in its history but also formally in the tradition of Jean Renoir: He spread his truth without pathos, subversive. "

" The sadness of gradually adopted by the life goodbye artist and his knowledge to have not done anything that would have been possible for him, the film reflects invoked with masterful Farbdramaturgie moods. He unfolds an art of details with light effects, colors and shades, whose aestheticism is never an end in itself. "


  • Pierre Bost: A Sunday in the Country. From the French by Rainer Moritz. Dörlemann, Zurich 2013