A. S. Mike Monroney

Almer Stillwell Mike Monroney ( born March 2, 1902 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, † February 13, 1980 in Rockville, Maryland) was an American politician who represented the state of Oklahoma in both chambers of Congress.


Mike Monroney graduated from the University of Oklahoma, where he earned his degree in political science in 1924. He was then employed as a columnist and political analyst at the daily newspaper Oklahoma News, for which he worked until 1928. He was in 1928, at the age of only 26 years, the president of a furniture commodity chain through personal contacts.

In 1938 he ran for the Democratic Party for a seat in the House of Representatives of the United States, where he served in a row on 3 January 1939 to 3 January 1951. Among his most enduring political successes include the ratification of the Legislative Reorganization Act, which was ratified in August 1946 and by the current legislation of Congress was made possible. In 1950, he announced his intention to run for a seat in the Senate of the United States. Monroneys successful election in the autumn of the same year paved the way for him in the Second Chamber of the Parliament of the Congress; He took office on January 3, 1951.

Under Monroneys Contribute him the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 came in 1958 for ratification, led to the establishment of the Authority, Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA) result. For his services to the aviation industry in particular Monroney 1961 was awarded the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy as well as in 1964 with the Tony Jannus Award. In the presidential elections of 1952 Monroney was briefly as a vice presidential candidate Adlai Ewing Stevenson in conversation; but Monroney was hardly known outside of Oklahoma, so that Stevenson opted for the Senator from Alabama, John Jackson Sparkman, as his running mate. The eight electoral votes from Oklahoma went to the election winner Dwight D. Eisenhower. On January 3, 1969 Monroney retired from the Senate. He settled in Washington D.C. down and worked as an aviation expert and business consultant.

Mike Monroney was married to Mary Ellen Mellon, the daughter of a banker. He was the father of a son, Michael Monroney, and four-time grandfather. After his death in February 1980, his ashes were scattered in part on the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center. His grandson, Jack Quinn worked under Bill Clinton as legal advisor to the White House.
