A9 road (Latvia)

Template: Infobox trunk road / Maintenance / LV -A

Autoceļš A9 is an entity belonging to Latvian State Roads " State Street " ( lett valsts galvenie Autoceļi ). It connects the capital Riga with Skulte and the third largest city in the country Liepāja. In the further course it is marked as A11. The total length of the A9 is 200 kilometers. The average traffic volume was 4939 vehicles per day in 2010.

In 2011, the A9 was expanded to the entire route with a road and two lanes. Thus, the maximum speed to 90 km / h was determined. In the period from 2011 to 2013, the A9 has been modernized to a section. This section covered the kilometer 1 to 23 by 2014, the modernization of the section is to be completed by 79 to 98 kilometers.

According to the plans, the A9 to the three other sections in the period from 2014 to 2020Vorlage: be modernized future / in 5 years. Among other things, the road between kilometers 38 and 60 and 149-163 to be modernized.
