Abbas II of Persia

Abbas II (Persian عباس [AEB ː ɔ ː s]; * December 20, 1633, † September 25, 1666 ) from the dynasty of the Safavids was from May 1642 to December 1666 Shah of Persia. On May 12, 1642 he succeeded his father Safi I. to the throne.

Abbas II succeeded with reforms to consolidate Persia initiate after under his predecessors, the central government had lost more and more influence. Thus, through his reforms, the mighty Kizilbaschstämme who played a major role in the founding of Safawidenreiches, even more weakened and the land under the direct authority of the crown. The borders of the country remained more or less stable. He conquered Kandahar in 1648 back from the major Indian Mughals and successfully defended three attacks of the Great Moguls of the city from. Also, there were close trade contacts with the European maritime powers of England and Holland under him.

During his reign (Friday Mosque) of Chehel - Sotun Palace was built in 1647/48 in Isfahan completed and the mosques Mesǰed -e Shah (Royal Mosque) and Mesǰed -e Jom ʿ a restored. 1654/55 he built on the Zayandeh a dam. Like his predecessors, he was tolerant of other religions with one exception: by the decree he decreed that all the Jews of the country would have to convert to Islam.
