
53.983626 - 2.667539Koordinaten: 53 ° 59 ' N, 2 ° 40 ' W

Abbeystead is a village in the Forest of Bowland in Lancashire, England. The town lies at the confluence of Tarnbrook Wyre Wyre and Marshaw that make up the Wyre here.

The name of the place is based on a few years in the time of Henry II inhabited by Cistercian monks house, that lay at the confluence of the two rivers.

1855 reservoirs ( engl. reservoir ) was built, which should ensure that the Wyre in the summer led enough water for the operation of the city, in the further course of the river Spinnerein and weaving. The dam is no longer practiced today, but is still recognizable.

Today, the Abbeystead tunnel ends in Abbeystead. Through the Lune / Wyre Transfer Scheme is pumped since 1980 water via a pipeline from the River Lune at Caton in the Wyre to secure the water supply of southern Lancashire.

To allay concerns about allegedly caused by the connection flooding along the Wyre, a group of visitors from St Michael's on Wyre demonstrated the function of the cable in the subterranean Auslassgebäude on 23 May 1984. It was, as it turned out later, by which infiltrate into the pipe methane gas could accumulate in the line before the visit empty, an explosion, in which sixteen people died.
