Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib

ʿ Abd Allāh ibn ʿ Abd al - Muttalib (Arabic: عبد الله بن عبد المطلب, DMG ʿ Abd Allāh b ʿ Abd al - Muttalib. ) ( * Before 554, † 570 ) was the father of the Prophet Mohammed.

He came from the Arab tribe of Quraysh in Mecca; his grandfather was Hashim ibn ʿ Abd Manaf, the ancestor of the Hashemites, his father was ʿ Abd al - Muttalib. His wife was Amina; He probably died before Muhammad's birth at the age of 25-30 years, so that the son was raised by his mother and grandfather ʿ Abd al - Muttalib. On the circumstances and the time of his death are several variants tradition. The oldest information from the late 7th century confirm that ʿ Abd Allāh died a few months before the birth of Muhammad in Yathrib, surrounded by his mother's family after a short illness.

About his life little is known. He was in the service of his father and engaged in trade likely to Gaza (Arabic: Ghazza ). The early Islamic historians such as Ibn Ishaaq and Muhammad ibn Sa ʿ d deliver a legend according to which a woman - possibly a sister of Hanif Waraqa ibn Nawfal - wanted to seduce ʿ Abd Allāh, being on his face before the signs of prophecy (literally: "the light of prophecy " ) to have recognized.

The question of what happened to Mohammed's father after his death, if he descended into hell or an unbeliever has been saved to the Prophet because of his relationship, there was among the Muslim scholars a long-lasting controversy. By Mohammed himself, the statement is recorded that his father located in Hellfire (NAR ). Some Muslims do this well presented before figuratively. So the Anatolian scholar Musa ibn Pilgrimage Holiday Husain al - Iznīqī told (d. 1434 ) in his Kitaab al -Mi ʿ Raj, an Arabic work on the Ascension of Muhammad, as Muhammad is brought down to visit the paradise of Gabriel to hell and there his father in braise Hellfire sees. Mohammed wants to save through his intercession with God his own father happy, but is held by Gabriel of them, who pointed out to him that his Fürsprachemacht is intended solely for the sinners among the Muslims on the Day of Resurrection.
