Abie's Irish Rose

Abie 's Irish Rose is a comedy in three acts by Anne Nichols. The play opened on May 23, 1922 on Broadway in New York, after it has been performed in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Although judges rather disparagingly of the criticism, the drama has developed into a blockbuster; it was there for more than five years, and brought it to 2327 ideas - the piece with the longest maturity on Broadway until then. For Anne Nichols, who had the play produced in New York, it remained a one-off, however, extremely great commercial success - from the contemporary press also called "million dollar play".

Aside from countless touring productions in the United States, there were two revivals on Broadway (1937 and 1954 ), two film versions (1928 and 1946) and to broadcast a radio drama series (NBC 1942-1944 ). Films, such as the seven-part The Cohens and the Kellys series were a little later with similar content are also very successful.


Solomon Levy is a wealthy Jewish New York merchant and widower. From his son, he expected that this takes quite a faithful daughter and the future offspring of the tradition is educated accordingly. But Abie loves Rosemary, a stocky Irish Catholic girl. The two have be married Protestant. The father knows nothing. Abie is his wife before and Polish -born Jew Rosie Murpheski. They like the old man, he decides the marriage of the young people and ordered the rabbi.

Patrick Murphy, Rosemary's father, a good Catholic and also a widower. He will be accompanied by a priest to New York. He assumes that his daughter will marry an Irish -born Catholics. The mistake he realizes when he enters the house of Levy. While now the bickering old men, Rabbi and priest along really well - Abie and Rosemary are also still married Catholic to safety. The Fathers call for the separation of the young couple - which separates from the fathers.

More than a year has to pass until the old, driven by curiosity to visit the young family. Rosemary has brought fraternal twins to the world - where grandparents' names were given, Rebecca and Patrick. After arguing the grandfathers once again, it finally comes to reconciliation.
